About Us

ManaVoorukosam Charitable Foundation inc.

ManaVooruKosam(which means “For our village” in Telugu language) is a charitable organization based in Ohio working for the development of rural areas in India. The name is reflection of the goal with which service is organized towards our villages which have been neglected these days. ManaVoorukosam is a Non-Political, Not-For-Profit, Non-Religious & Non-Government Organization trying to create awareness and improve Health, Education, Economics, and overall Quality of Life in rural areas.

Objectives Of Manavooru Kosam:

Development of villages resembles the growth of the country. Most of us who are highly successful in various professions have our humble roots in small villages. A step back in time will give us fond memories of our beautiful life in the villages, which laid foundation to who we are as a person today. Those villages are neglected today and need help in many areas. Our prime objective is to support those villages with basic necessities and eventually turn them into model villages.

Mahatma Gandhi once quoted – “Villages are the soul of India”. Rural areas contribute nearly 50% to Indian economy and 70% of the population lives in rural India. Despite of these numbers and contribution to Indian economy, most of the development in India has been confined to urban areas. Government of India has introduced project Bharat Nirman in collaboration with panchayat raj and state government. Bharat Nirman is a spectacular project which helps to raise the standard of living of villagers. Despite of these government efforts, there are several rural areas that still lack basic amenities. MANAVOORU KOSAM organization is planning to conduct several awareness campaigns in villages to raise awareness of the government schemes and improve the economic conditions of Small Scale Businesses and Farmers.

Several villages in India lack basic transportation amenities. Due to lack of roads, residents have to walk, sometimes very long distances to even go to a school or hospital. Villages should not be isolated and should have roads to connect them to outside world. MANAVOORU KOSAM will adopt isolated villages and work with local government organizations to buidl roads to these isolated villages

Government schools in villages are often mis-used and not maintained properly. Children often have to sit on the ground and outside. They neither have books nor basic sanitation. Schools in rural areas need to be improved by a great degree and they are in dire need of minimal facilities. This will be one of the primary areas that MANAVOORU KOSAM will focus on.

Inspite of being a fast-paced developing country, India still remains a ground for irrational thoughts and superstitions. Because of lack of scientific knowledge, people still believes in superstitions. There is minimal social awareness in some of the rural areas where people still live through untouchability and honor-killings. MANAVOORU KOSAM will partner with several social workers to run awareness campaigns to improve peace, security, education, communal harmony and cooperation.

As an initial step to attaining our goals we have partnered with several villagers, professionals and visionaries who share same passion of rural development in India. We conduct Rural development awareness campaigns and organize fund raising events. We have engaged all available resources to foster a good educative environment in the villages of Andhra Pradesh as well as to provide basic health services. We picked Andhra Pradesh as a pilot due to our connections with people in villages in that state. Our goal is to expand these operations to other regions in India and partner with local social and field workers to improve the village conditions. We request and urge you all to join us and share the responsibilities in making our world beautiful and happy!