Manavoorukosam charitable foundation inc
Manavoorukosam charitable foundation inc

Village Community center

Community Centers are public locations where members of a Community tend to gather for group activities, social support, public information,and other purposes.These public services aim to create more effective organizations, build stronger communities, and promote equity and opportunity.

ManaVoorukosam approach implements strategies in four core areas of community development: academic excellence, financial literacy, healthy living, and cultural development. From the parents, school administrators, law enforcement, and community mentors, everyone works in pursuit of a unified goal, ensuring that in each area the youth never loses their way. No one can do it all, and burnout and bias are a reality.

Community collaborations with leaders from each sector guarantee that youth remain surrounded in compassion and possibility.

  1. As a place where community members meet each other socially.
  2. As a place to sign In for volunteer activities.
  3. As a place where non-government activities are organized.
  4. As a place where motivational &  Awareness Programs
  5. can be organized for the betterment of  villages.
  6. As a place where community members can utilize resources like Internet & News Papers  to apply Jobs
  7.  Our support of community centers aims to create more effective organizations, build stronger communities, and promote equity and opportunity.

Community Education Center

Education Centers are public spaces where people can access computers, the Internet, and other digital technologies that enable them to gather information, create, learn, and communicate with others while they develop essential digital skills.

While each center is different, their common focus is on the use of digital technologies to support community, economic, educational, and social development—reducing isolation, bridging the digital divide, educating about health issues, creating

economic opportunities, and reaching out to youth. Employment: Education Centers facilitate access to job information via online services..

Government service: Education Centers can be a primary access point for all e-government services. This can make it easier to download official forms, submissions, certifications and so on, cutting out ‘middle men’ who sometimes  demand unwarranted fees to perform services for citizens.

Village Community Pure Water

Eliminate transportation costs from urban centers to rural areas for the supply of purified water.
. Develop a sustainable supply of purified drinking water in rural areas at affordable prices
 (less than 35 paise/ltr or less than 1 cent/ltr).
. Create water with a quality equal to packaged bottled water.
. Give rural residents the same access to purified water as urban residents.
How We Will Help
CPW installs a water purification system in the village and trains one individual to operate the system.
The CPW water purification system not only provides employment to a resident in the village, but it also produces 
an ethical revenue source for the village.

What’s more, the residents avoid unsafe water and avoid purchasing water at exorbitant prices. Learn more about how CPW
 will help rural Indian villagers by reading about our approach. Or if you are interested in investing in this sustainable economic model,
 contact CPW directly. 

ManaVoorukosam Charitable Foundation wanted to affiliate with NGO Organization Lions Club for Implementing this in rural villages.

Mission Ashoka

A tree planted in someone’s memory is a living tribute that benefits present and future generations, and is perhaps the most fitting memorial gift of all. Your memorial trees planted in national forests will be honorable monuments and active participants in Nature’s plan for decades to come.

Through this website, people may make contributions to reforestation efforts and receive a personalized commemorative card — in memory or honor of a friend or loved one, in celebration of a life event, or simply to give the green gift of trees.

If the tree planting is a gift, we will stamp and mail the card (with your return address on the envelope) to the recipient for you. Now you can send a greeting card that makes the world greener. Every card we print is sustainably sourced, FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified, REC-certified & acid-free.

With each order, tree planting organizations under the supervision of the Forest Service commit to plant new trees in designated national forests and parks that are in dire need of restoration (see list of projects and sites below).

Elderly Medical & Nursing Services

This room will be used for nursing services (two Certified Nurses will be available at all times for providing basic medical and nursing services for elderly people, and they will get paid by Manavoorukosam Charitable Foundation. Illiteracy among the elderly in the villages of India is a major problem: 73% of the 60+ age group in the villages of India are illiterate, with little access to any basic educational services.

There is an urgent need to provide older people with the means to lead a full life, where they are provided with medical care and nursing.

They need to have access to information, entertainment and the right to make their own choices.

Health: Healthcare-related issues are basic to a community’s well being, especially for rural women. There is a lack of information about healthcare, especially about basic remedial issues related to diseases and health problems.

Mission Ekalavya

Sports play an integral role in the development of a well-rounded personality. Respecting one’s opponent, thinking as a team, leadership, and learning the spirit of the game are just some of the skills that one learns at the sport ground. Under our Sports for Development program, we focus on children between the ages of 6 to 17. We encourage them to come and play tough sports like basketball and football and leverage this chance to also engage them in activities which would provide mental and emotional stimuli thus resulting in their overall development. through various sports activities, we target general awareness, understanding about nutrition, basic arithmetic, and communication skills.

Mission Ekalavya is an attempt to develop sports  in two steps. Identifying and adopting talented Individuals from different Sports and giving them the training and engaging them into Coaching & building programs to develop young boys and girls into young, productive adults. The Programs will be committed to delivering a polished, well-rounded young adult who is prepared to make a transition to the next level. We will provide the tools, services and resources that will enhance a child’s athletic ability, allow them to strive for academic excellence, sharpen their life skills, and promote holistic excellence.

Every year we will arrange a sports competition presided over by eminent personalities so that we can provide impetus to those young people who are striving for success. We Collaborate  with great sports personalities and introduce them as motivational speakers focusing on talents from the remote parts of the villages so that they act as inspiration to their village mates.


Why Choose Us

ManavooruKosam’s prime objective is to build a community where all of the Village’s members, employees, suppliers, and board members are treated with decency and respect. To boost the overall village ecosystem further, we will provide the people with the necessary basic facilities and education to live a fulfilling life.

Our aims include:

  1. Create a non-profit change-maker network to solve rural India’s ongoing challenges.
  2. Rural leaders need to be nurtured and developed better to serve their communities and organizations in the long run.
  3. Increase the amount of money donated to rural non-profits in rural India by benefactors so that rural communities remain vibrant and fair.
  4. We provide education, collaboration, and operational support to help organizations grow and thrive.

Community Services

The Manavoorukosam Volunteer ID Card gives benefits, discounts and recognition to those who volunteer. Whether you donate your time locally, nationally or on a global scale, you may qualify for awesome benefits through the Volunteer ID Card membership program, helping you help others in your own village or community…

About the Manavoorukosam Volunteer ID Card

Manavoorukosam Volunteer ID card gives its members recognition, appreciation, discounts and other benefits. It helps millions of volunteers worldwide with their humanitarian, ecological and environmental efforts.

We know volunteering can be a personally rewarding experience. It can be full of hard work and long hours, but it produces the great satisfaction of seeing a social impact and the knowledge that you made a difference in the world. Now with the Volunteer ID card you can receive the recognition you deserve, as well as savings from organizations who want to support and reward your efforts.

Blood Drive

Blood drives (in association with American Red Cross) can be organized as our ManaVoorukosam signature event in all the regions so that we can display Mana Volunteers commitment to be a leader when it comes to community service.

Some important information that he used at previous events is presented here to share with the community and motivate them to give blood.


Blood donation during regular days is normal, but blood donation/helping towards blood donation during the times when the blood levels are at critical low and American Red Cross has an emergency need for blood donations is truly “Special”.

Normally in June, July and August blood donations are down more than 10 percent across the country, with 50,000 fewer pints of blood available than expected.

There is almost half the amount of Red Cross blood available today than there was this time last year. Every day, the Red Cross must collect more than 17,000 pints of blood for patients

at more than 3,000 hospitals and transfusion centers across the country.

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion because blood donations are down across the country, it is crucial we do everything we can to ensure your upcoming blood drive is successful.

>Your effort can make a significant impact in someone’s life. Blood and platelets are needed for many different reasons. It could be used for the little girl with a rare blood disorder, a family member fighting cancer, or a friend involved in a car accident. A supply shortage means that blood may not be available when it’s needed most.

Here is some more additional information about Blood Donation.

Someone needs blood every two seconds. One donation can save up to three lives. That is powerful.

Donating blood may be one of the most important things you’ve ever done. It is a safe and easy process which takes approximately 45 minutes (Actual blood drawing only takes 10 min). Generally, anyone aged 16 or older (16 year old donors require parental consent), weighing at least 110 pounds and in good health, can donate blood. There is an eight-week (56 day) waiting period between donations.

We understand you are extremely busy. One out of five people who enter a hospital will need a blood transfusion. Blood donation is the act of giving life. Although the whole process can take up to an hour of your time, it can provide an entire lifetime for a local patient.

If you are healthy and weigh at least 110 pounds, you have 10-12 pints in your body and can easily spare one pint. You should be able to donate regularly every eight weeks without any problem.

The fluids in your body are completely replaced 24 hours after donation. Donate blood and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment knowing that you have helped save lives.

How to organize a blood drive: Go through the below link and this will give you all the details needed to initiate a blood drive.


3. Sports/Arts0020

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers.”
– Nelson Mandela

Bone Marrow drive

It is said that “Saving one life is like saving the entire world”.
Every year, thousands of people of all ages are in desperate need of bone marrow transplants – it may be their only chance to survive. Some patients with aplastic anemia, leukemia, lymphoma or other cancers are lucky – they have a family member who is genetically matched.
However, about 70% of people aren’t as lucky. None of their relatives are a match. Their lives depend on finding an unrelated donor, like you or me, who has a compatible tissue type.
Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) registry – as matches are most often found between people of the same ethnic group. Increasing the diversity of the marrow donor registry is literally a matter of life and death.
 If more people from more ethnic backgrounds join the registry to donate marrow or stem cells, more people
who need a marrow transplant will find a life-saving match. This is a specific issue for Telugu community as there are very small numbers of Telugus and people of Indian origin in the NMDP registry.
The more people from our background join the bone marrow donor registry, the more patients from our background
are likely to find a life-saving match. Members of our ethnic heritage are especially in need where we need to step up and save people especially those who belong to our ethnicity.
How to organize this drive: There are many foundations that help us to organize a bone marrow drive once we contact them they will guide us step by step to make this drive happen however
We will be partnering with the Be the Match Registry of the National Marrow Donor Program.
 The objective is to promote enrollment of people of Telugu origin in the registry so that it becomes easier in future to help Telugu victims of Blood cancers and other blood diseases that benefit from bone marrow transplantation.
The chances of a match are higher from a population of similar genetic pool, and the number of people of Telugu people on this registry is very small and we want to increase this number
substantially. To do so, we should publicize this widely and have these drives at each program that ManaVoorukosam conducts or participates in.